Sunday, June 29, 2008

One more to go!

Well, I did my long run and ride again this weekend but this time I had to do my run on Saturday and my ride on Sunday. I'll tell ya, I know I am a creature of structure habit but this is rediculous. I was truly amazed how much of a psychological burden switching the days affected me. I got up yesterday at 0430 and readied myself for a nice 2 hour run. I was prepared to start out at my goal marathon pace and after 3-4 miles speed it up and work on pushing myself. That worked out fine but the entire time I was running it felt like a Sunday morning to me. I mean what the heck! The good thing about the run was A) I now know what shorts I am wearing on the run. thank you Garneau! B) I now know that I can were race shoes for more that 15 miles! Thank you ZOOT! I strolled back to my house in 1:52:13 having covered 15.10 miles. I felt great the entire time. I was a little bit sluggish but was were I wanted to be about 40 minutes into it. All in all I thought it was a good day.

Sunday I went out for another long ride. Up again at 0430 and out the door. Today was crappy. I felt like I was in a car wash for the first 2.5 hours. I went up 127 to Front Beach in Rockport and turned around. I detoured to Long Beach in Rockport on the way back. I spent many summers there with one of best friends Will Morrison. Man those days were fun. When I was a kid I would have never even considered riding my bike from the beach house there to front beach nevermind from Swampscott to Front Beach! I was glad I went by because I was in a major rut and felt like I couldn't get out of it. Seeing my bud's old beach house was sad only because we don't go there anymore but man did it put a smile on my face.

once back on 127 I started to pick up steam and brought my avg speed back up to 20.2 mph. I felt like I was doing ok and moving pretty well. Today's goal was again to focus on raising my race pace and see how string my legs are. I decided to take 133 into Ipswich and then go 1A back home from there. I hit another wall as I left Essex and got to Ipswich. I was on my way home finally in Beverly looking at my clock saying this day is going to be worthless because I won't come close to what I wanted for time or distance. Then I saw a great friend, Marty Mis! aka FitWerx2 extraordiniare. he convinced me to join him as he was heading back to 133 and loop around Ipswich then home. I thought for a quick second, I was just there and hated every minute of it b/c the road kicked my ass. Then I said "forget that" I am going back with Marty and punch it in the face. We did just that. Marty and I rode through there and clipped the miles away like a couple of prize fighters. The weather had cleared a bit and I was drier than when I started. At 4:27:38 seconds I rolled into my driveway at 89.92 miles. I was psyched because what started out as a "crappy" day turned into one of the most challenging days yet. Not only did I get a little bit stronger I think I got a little bit tougher!

That was the 2nd of my big 3 weekend set. I have one more to go. A 5 hour ride and 3 hour run. This is going to be a prize fight!

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