Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rebuild the foundation

Now that fall is upon us the tri-season offically closed, on my schedule at least, I have gone back into the gym. I have been doing alot of the crossfit exercises and people are looking at me like I have ten heads. Whatever, I just want to rebuild the foundation that I broke down with the IRONMAN. I have put together my race season for next year and it is going to be with a 70.3 in the beginning of July and all the rest will be sprints. I really want to get specific on building speed. My fitness is still in check, I am still running for distance, 11.65 in 1:12. I will cut back as the weather gets cooler. I will focus on getting a good hard 8 miler in as my long runs as the winter begins. Come Thanksgiving my son will turn 2 and I will take a good 2 weeks of total recovery, yes nothing at all! Total rest!!!!(we'll see about that)


April Bowling said...

Hey Kevin - I've heard a lot about this crossfit stuff - do you teach it? Do you go to North shore crossfit???


Kevin Reen said...

Vin Miserandino turned me onto it last winter when I got injured training for LP. It saved me. his blog is linked on my page. I think it is a good tool. I usually just improvise at home or in the gym with the equipment there. You'll love it. Killer workout in less than an hour. can't beat it.

April Bowling said...

Dude...are you kidding? I just checked out the videos on his site and almost peed my pants laughing. I would be in the HOSPITAL if I tried ANY of those moves!!! I need baby/sissy/weakling crossfit...


Vince SJP CrossFit said...

April, The great thing about CrossFit is that it is scalable. I would teach the same workout to a 15yrd old and a 80 year old. Of course you would change the weights, time, intensity etc. This type of training works for triathletes. I've had my best year in 10 years because my body is stronger. shoot me and email. vmiserandino@comcast.net