Wednesday, February 18, 2009

build and build and build and build

The past few days have been pretty good. I swam last night at Salem State with Coach Craig Lewin. He will probably be a pro in about a year. He is bouncing back from a broken pattella right now so he has a lot of time to spend on helping people like me. Last night was a killer. We started speed sessions to build the Lactate threshold (LT) and man did my LT build and build and build. The good thing is that I was pulling in about 1:15-1:20 for my 100's and 35's for my 50. I have been getting faster and the thing for me to do know is work on my technique. I was able to see how much benefit there is to reaching a little bit further on my stroke. I was able to keep my heart rate down slightly so I could get my recovery in the ten to twenty seconds rest that I had. I only gave up about 2 seconds on my 100. As I get better I will get more efficient and will get that second back without giving up wasted energy that can be used on the bike.

Everything else is coming along as planned. I have been gaining strength back since my broken elbow and am almost at 100% as far as actual strength goes. I am still a firm believer in CROSSFIT. I am doing that 2x a week and getting in 3 swims, 2-3 runs and 2 bikes. As the weather gets warmer I will add a bike and drop a cross fit until the Patriot. By the end of March I will be adding the long stuff. One long run and bike a week. So far so good!

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