Wednesday, April 8, 2009

going and going andgoing and going

It feels like lately there is no end in sight to the winter here in MA. Everytime we get in to a bit if nice weather rain and cold temps take over. I am just waiting for the war stuff to hit us like a ton of bricks. I remember back in '05 I did my first Boston and the week before was in the 50's them Marathon Monday was sunny and 80. go figure...I know the good stuff will come but I am getting tired of figuring out my apparel vs. my workouts.

The workouts have been going pretty good too. I have building a lot of strength and think that in another couple weeks can switch up the program a bit. Last week I had some good numbers and the pool was ok, I had a slow start to the week were I felt like a rock but the times were not that far off. I got int o the pool two days later and things were perfect. A little quicker and stronger. This week so far so good. Two great swim workouts, Got to get a run in later, and another good hard bike. Sat I am pushing for a long run. I need to hit double digits to start expanding the base.

Keep you updated!

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