Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Christmas In May!

So I got my race kit for Team Aquaphor last week. The box was huge and there was tons of great stuff in there. The good thing is that all my race gear fit!.

Training has been going well. I was really pleased with my race at JCC and thought my swim was great, bike was good...weather slowed everyone down and the run was pretty good too. The one thing that I have been working on this past week is building speed on the swim. I have been doing 400 and 250 sets at race pace trying to hold it for 3-5 set with a very short rest in between. My swim today was good. I did 5X250's on 4:00. I was taking 25-30 rest in between then I did 10X25's on 45. Not bad. I was happy b/c I was not winded. I bought a new pair of shoes for the 1/2 IM. The Kswiss K-Ona. I had been talking with pro Chris Lieto and a few K swiss reps about the new technology and got a great deal on it. I still love my ZOOT's and will continue to wear them for my shorter distance stuff. I have noticed that when I hit the 10 mile mark my form starts to fall and my instep collapses. The K swiss has been designed to add a touch of support for mid to fore-foot runners who usually need help in the last few miles.

I also want to say thank you to all the soldiers and their families who have lost a loved one in battle, this Memorial day is for them and to those two women who left church and were complaining about singing "battle songs" in church...GET BENT! The church (whatever faith you are) prays for the safety and smart choices that our soldiers have to make every day. They don't ask GOD to win, they ask GOD to help make the right decision...like weather or not to give their canteen to a young boy who hasn't had a drink in last 4 days. I don't mean to go onto a political rampage but people need to appreciate what things like the "revolutionary war, Civil War, WWI and WWII, Vietnam, the Gulf and Middle East mean to our history. Our country was built on supporting what is right for mankind and sometimes that choice may not be agreed upon by everyone but WE ALL SHOULD SUPPORT AND PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS.

On that note my son got his 1st trophy! he beat me in a 5k. the Dory Run in Swampscott. I ran a 19:26 and he ran a 19:24. He was in the Jog Stroller. Not bad, 10th overall and 2nd in my age group! He was psyched. Jack took his trophy to pre-school today. I was never more proud...he's only 2

1 comment:

Cait Reen said...

Loved the post, Kev. Congrats on another great race. Glad to hear Jack's got the race-bug...can't wait to see his trophy!