Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Race one

So the past few days of training have been going pretty well. I have been hitting my times and feeling OK. My bike is great and swimming is going well. I have been having a problem with my running shoes. I know it sounds minimal but there is something so important about the cheapest part of triathlon. People spend 4K on bikes or 600 on a wetsuit but complain when they hit over a hundred for a pair of sneakers. So I have literally saved my pennies and will go and not think twice when I have to buy my new kicks today. Everyday I would take the change from my pocket at work and drop it in a coffee can. So I have rolled the coin and now I will pick my prize. I saw my dad do that when I was a my turn.

I was hoping to get this things ready for the first race of the season. The JCC in Marblehead is this Sunday. I have had two good years and hope to do just as well this year. What I like about this race is that it has become very competitive with the local talent and it is in my backyard. Getting the season off on the right foot is important because it sets the stage for the whole summer. I will enjoy a modified recovery week while I fight through the allergy season and get ready to got a 100% on Sunday. Until then.

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