Friday, June 19, 2009

T-minus 00:00

The rain has come in, nothing unexpected. I pretty much got everything together this morning and will finalize my gear after I put Jack down for nap. I went to the pool this morning and got an easy 800 yrd swim in. It was kind of different getting out of the water after 20 minutes. I weighed in after and can note that I am about 4 pounds heavier (193) than I was the week before Ironman last year. That week before IM last year was all carbo load. I went into at about 188 and at weigh in for packet pick up I was 197. All that water and pasta and bread....anyway. I feel different this time around. Going into this race with a little more plan of attack. I know I won't win and I don't really care b/c it is not paying my bills but I feel stronger mentally. I have been blessed w/ an understanding wife who sympathizes with my feelings about internal competition and gives me the green light to get after all this stuff.

This afternoon I will do some light stretching, pack the car have some snacks and drink my water. Got my checklist and will comb that over as well. My brother worked yesterday and pulled his 3rd double in a row yesterday being a 17.5 hour shift. I will try to help him relax today and just chill out and enjoy the experience and atmosphere. I know he is going to read this so I can say it now, No Worries Bro, the day is what it is and you are just as prepared.

As for tomorrow, so what if it is wet, been there-done that! I am getting a great opportunity to race with my brother and other good friends. I will have my race report by next week. Let's go break a leg!

1 comment:

Cait Reen said...

Good luck tomorrow Kev! Let me know how it goes!!

(And Jamie, if you do read this, good luck to you too!)

Remember to have fun, most of all :)