Saturday, January 23, 2010

Off to work

So last week I performed my FTP test. I couldn't decide if I was disappointed or surprised with my outcome. After an easy warm up I preformed on set at an all out pace that I could maintain for 20 Min. The result was an avg of 279 watts. It was nice to be able to use the software to look at the graph of my progression. The last 5 min I pushed 2 watts more per minute than I did the first 5 min. The point to taken from this, is I can now truly chart my workouts and focus on increasing the amount of spend and power I can push. Ultimately making me a faster cyclist.

Last week I also met Sara Thatcher of BodyTunning. I have always been dealing with the little nagging injuries that would either make me train less or not at the level I want to be at. Sara was able to point out some weaknesses that have had an impact on my performance and was able to prescribe some workouts for me to "rehab" those trouble spots and potentially making me faster.

With those two important parts of my training block taken care of I can now get ready for the up coming season with a better direction. So now it is off to work!

1 comment:

Vince SJP CrossFit said...

Kevin, Great numbers. Keep it up!!