Friday, July 16, 2010

training ups and downs

This week has been up and down. I went back to the pool this week and got two quality swims in. I worked on 4x400's with 70.3 race pace and went well I wass going into each one at 5:45 and taking off on 6:00 with steady turn over. A couple days later I also worked on speed with 10x100's broken. 1st 5 were pull and last 5 were all out. My last 5 were 1:14, 1:14, 1:15, 1:14 and 1:15. two months ago I was 2-3 seconds slower. So I am happy with my results.

The downs, I have been running on the Newton trainers and racers fo rhe last 14 months. I really adapted well and enjoyed the shoes. This past 2 weeks I have been dealing with some foot pain. Right under my 3rd an 4th toes. Some research proved that I may be wearing a shoe too small. I have looked at my shoes soles and tried to determine if I do in fact need to bump up. I will reach out to Newton today and see what they can help mw with.

Tonight I raced in Nahnat at the beach Tri and it was great crowd. First time back since my brother's fender bender ( he is still out of comission). The water was very warm which also adds to my need to get a sleeveless wetsuit (maybe X-mas). I was first out of the water getting to the beach at 4 mins even. I had a good bike. Legs were a bit heavy but felt I rode par for the course. Completed the out and back in 12:15. Because of my issues with my Newtons i used my Nike Lunar Trainers. Much bigger toe box. The problem here is that my T2 time suffered immensely. After I finally got going I my pace picked up. I will add that I did not like running in these and missed my Newtons. I felt like I had to work a little harder to stay in my forward lean. THe LT's were much softer and I think that it took some energy from me. I hope Newton will let me exchange my other shoes for a bigger size. Right now they are out of stock in the racer. I may have to go to find a retailer and buy them or go to the new performance trainer. The only difference btw the two is about .5 ounces. nothing in the total scheme of things.

Anyway I held a decent run even though they field was hunting me down. I think I lost about 20 secs in T2 and would guess maybe 3-4 secs per mile in the 5K. So my finish time of 34:22 could have been close to own PR at 33:16. But we'll wait till next time!

1 comment:

April Bowling said...

YOu looked awesome out there last night but I could tell something was bumming you out on the run. Hope you find your shoes soon! So glad your bro is ok...nice hanging out last night.