Thursday, August 5, 2010


So that past few weeks have been great. Training has been Ok, a little bit of a shoe issue that finally got resolved. needed to go up a half size. Bike has been going well and Swimming has been just that. nothing improved or lost.

We spent a week on the Cape and i was able to get in some ridding and running. Had to hold off on the swim there b/c of some man eating fish that have been swimming around. I have been building up my endurance trying to get ready for Firm Man. I tis much different that training for the shorter fast stuff. Coming up this weekend will be my lsat sprint of the season. The witch City. I was tossing around going up to Gloucester but I like racing in my own back yard.

In trying to get back some distance this week I went out for a 11+ miler. It was very humid and I brought my fuel best and off i went. I wasn't feeling my best but I chugged along. I was holding between a 7:20 and 7:40 pace when I just lost it. I have done this run countless times and this time I was wiped. I stopped regrouped and chugged along. I managed to get home and that was all I was hoping for at the time. It was a humbling experience. If got some longer runs and rides planned for the next few weeks with a 6 day speed session about 2 weeks before race day with about a 7 day taper for the half I-man. I will take everything I learned from last week to help me move forward.


cjd said...

seen you running through Nahant and you looked strong...maybe just overheated.

Kevin Reen said...

definitely overheated also an english muffin and cup of coffee to wake me up. Just got back from work. I know I will not eat that before a race