Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Training

It was a pretty good week of training. The weather had gone up and down.
Wednesday I had a good swim. Did a pyramid of 50-400 and back down with some other drill work. Then I got on my bike in the afternoon. I performed a test that I did about a month ago. 10 reps of 120% FTP for 2 min with 2 min rest. In my first test of this I only hit 115% and my 10th rep was a joke. After some good training and power focus riding I went at it again. After a warmup and some single leg drills I started. I was hitting 325-340 watts for my first few reps. I was curious if this would last. It did. I felt good and strong. I was able to hold the aero position for the first 8 reps. 9 and 10 I started aero but sat up for 30 secs before gettin gback down. I still was able to hit 320+ watts. I was really pleased to see such an improvement.

Yesterday I was able to get out for my 8 mile run test. The temp was in the low 60's and when I started there was one heck of a head wind. I wasn't too optimistic on the first couple of miles. Running along the shoreline can be a pain in the neck b/c the wind changes on an instant but after about 3.5 the wind changed. I hit the 4 mile mark and turned. I instantly felt the wind pushing me from behind and the temp felt like it jumped 10 degrees. The legs felt pretty strong and my HR said I was at 97%. Find it hard t believe, I think I need to retest that and adjust the numbers. Anyway, I was heading home and feeling pretty good. My numbers were pretty good and I was making up some big time on the way back. I was about 30-45 seconds off my first 4 miles b/c of the wind. Yes it was that bad. I finally hit mile 8 at 55:10. It was not the 54:?? i was looking for but all things considered I was happy. I cooled down for another mile and called it a day.

Today is a recovery day. I will get on my bike for one hour and ride at 65-70% FTP (175-200 watts) I want to let my legs recover a bit and will have another crossfit tomorrow.

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