I was in the pool finishing a workout the other day and a guy stopped me and asked me what my diet was and what supplements do I take. I thought it was innocent enough as I explained I eat a lot of protein, take multi vitamins and have one amino acid shake form BASE Performance a day. He said no really, WHAT do you take? I then replied nothing more that what can be grown in the ground or fed livestock. He kept badgering me, No Seriously what do you take?
At this time I informed him that I work my ass off and sleep about 5-6 hours a day and eat every type of protein I can get my hands on and that if I don't finish my swim now I might say something I could regret. His dumbfounded reaction was all I needed to see as I went to start my last set.
In a world of BALCO and Barry Bonds I think the art of hard work is forgotten about. Stop asking stupid questions people.
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