Monday, June 16, 2008

Back At It

Well I am back from a long weekend of training and fun. I had a wedding down on Fisher's Island NY. What a place. On the the 12th I was able to sneak out of the house early before we packed the car and headed down to the island. My brother and I went out for 1:30 ride. I turned 31 today It was pretty good. We clipped through the north shore and worked some good intervals and focused on good form.
After all that is what is going to help the most. Holding good form and exerting the least amount of energy and covering the most amount of distance at race specific speed. It is coming along well.

At the Island we had a couple of late nights which was ok because my son was at my mother in laws being spoiled rotten for the weekend. Lucky for Lynn and I we weren't up for 0630 roll call hosted by Jack. Come to find out "Goldie" hypnotized Jack and he slept in himself all weekend making her life easier too. (he calls Grammy, Goldie because he can't say Grammy!) I was able to get two quality runs in the weekend. The weather was muggy and hot so I took advantage of the afternoon heat on Friday and got a good tempo run in followed by a good 20 min body workout. The Tempo run was 50 mins and I did some timed intervals. hold about 3 min clips at 5k pace and then recovered for 1 min. I felt like a broken lawn chair but I was happy I stuck to the workout and finished it. All this was after a pathetic effort of 18 holes on one of the country's top 50 golf courses. Oh well, a bad golf score and decent workout on a gorgeous island that reminds you of a non-commercialized Nantucket! I'll take it.

Saturday, the 14th Flag Day! I skipped the golf at the hay harbor club and decided to sleep in a bit and get ready for my 2:15 trek across Fisher's. It was hazy and humid and man I was sweating before I put my socks on. My brother joined me for the first hour. We had a good chat and run. We always push each even when we say that we are going to stick to a plan. He pealed off because of his commitment to the wedding. He was in and I was just a guest. I got to keep going. It was a good run and i was just below my marathon pace. Felt pretty good with all things considered. (night life is hard to slow down at a place like this) We had a blast at the weeding, dancing, good food great family and lots of laughs.

My program called for a Sunday and Monday off days. One ok but two? I am already itching to get on my bike or go for swim. I know I could use the recovery, what am I going to do when this is over?

Saturday I

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